Friday, December 26, 2008


Things I am wondering about since I only have 7 days left....

1. What do I need to bring? Am I taking to much?
I always try to pack to be prepared. SO...I have packed all my nice shirts and pants, makeup and body products (some of which I haven't ever used ) just in case I have some need to have them. Is that bad?

2. How long it is going to take me to finish packing the final touches? What should I send?
I have mostly finished packing but I have some much stuff still...I don't want to end up packing on the last day I am home or not sending the right things and ending up with a ton of weight in my three suitcases.

That is all .... two things that are bearing heavily on mind if you have answers please tell me because I would like to know!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

First Entry

I have decide to blog my about my college life, which of course will be fah-bu-less! This blog will be full of my interesting activities and want is a happening. hopefully it will be exciting for you too :) so the main start off point will be around January 2, 2009 when i am flying to Utah to drive to Idaho. so keep with the updates!